Julie Putterill’s Story
Julie Putterill, Co-facilitator – WRAP and Cooking Hi, I am Julie, a volunteer at The Exchange Recovery College and I am passionate about health and wellbeing. My own lived experience…
Julie Putterill, Co-facilitator – WRAP and Cooking
Hi, I am Julie, a volunteer at The Exchange Recovery College and I am passionate about health and wellbeing. My own lived experience of mental health has inspired me to volunteer and share my own recovery journey with others. I started out by accessing courses at The Exchange that enabled me to develop mental resilience, coping strategies and play an active part in managing my own health and wellbeing.
In my current volunteer practice I Co-Deliver the Wellbeing Recovery Action Plan course as this resonated with me as a learner and helped me to maintain positive mental wellbeing. I am currently in the second year of delivering this and I get a real boost when I see other learners benefitting the way I did. This course continues to be an inspiration for me and helps me to maintain a positive outlook on life,
Volunteering has enabled to explore my own skills and talents and develop a keen interest in: facilitation, learning and my own personal development. It has given me an opportunity to train and access accredited learning including: Level 2 Learner Support Practitioner and Safe and Well Ambassador qualifications.
Moving forward, I am currently involved in the development of an accredited training programme for learners and volunteers at The Exchange, which has involved co-production and working with a local education provider. To sum up, my quality of life has gone from strength to strength and I am looking forward to my future with optimism.
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