Volunteering Roles
The Exchange Recovery College in Barnsley works with volunteers co-productively in designing and delivering bespoke health promotion, condition management and personal development courses. We have an established tradition of recruiting, training and equipping volunteers with skills and experience that provide a platform from which build on when they progress and move on to employment, further education or community engagement.
Our volunteers engage in Co- facilitation, Co Production, Gym Instruction, Meeting and Greeting, Gardening, Editorial Panel, Community Health, Recruitment and Sports Initiatives.
The Exchange recognises that people volunteer for a variety of reasons, so whether you are interested in: improving your employability skills, staying well or giving back to your community, then volunteering may be for you.
Here’s more information about our roles and responsibilities. If you’d like an informal chat, why not contact Nick Sennitt Volunteer Development Worker on (01226) 730433 or by email: nick.sennitt@swyt.nhs.uk
Co-producer – Our co-producers are responsible for the design/production of our workshops and courses in a format that best suits them (alongside at least one other volunteer, member of NHS staff or partner organisation staff). Our co-producers will have experience of the topic that they are designing a course or workshop around, such as experience themselves of a specific health condition or experience as a carer (we call this lived experience or being an expert by experience). Alternatively, they may have professional experience or be particularly experienced in a skill or hobby.

Co-Facilitator – Our co-facilitators (also referred to as our tutors) are responsible for the delivery of our courses and workshops, working alongside at least one other volunteer, member of NHS staff or partner organisation staff. Our co-facilitators will usually have experience (either lived experience or professional experience) of the topic that they are teaching and must be willing to speak in front of groups, answer questions, share experiences and be adaptable to changing or unexpected circumstances.

Meet and Greet – Our meet and greet volunteers are the face of the college for all of our learners and tutors. They will liaise with reception staff, College staff, tutors and learners at the start of each course of workshop session and are the people who welcome our volunteers and tutors in to the building, show them to the room that they are in for their course or workshop, explain where the facilities are, make students feel welcome and relaxed about being there, and assist the tutor in setting up where needed. Our meet and greet volunteers should be a face of comfort for those attending; they should be happy to chat with our waiting students, putting them at ease, providing reassurance that they are in the right place, for the right time and the right event.

Gym Roles – These roles are for people who are interested in the benefit exercise has on mental health and wellbeing. You will start your volunteer journey as a gym assistant buddying up with individuals enabling them to meet their training goals. You will then have an opportunity to train as a gym instructor once you have shown your commitment to the service. This role involves mentorship from the designated exercise specialist who runs the gym.
Physical Activity Roles – involve the co-delivery of sporting activities in community venues. You will receive the opportunity to develop your organisational and group experience skills, participating in a large range of activities including walking, cycling, football and netball etc. This role sits under the management of the Physical Activity lead for SWYPFT. Training and mentorship is also available in this role.

Editorial Panel Member – This role offers the volunteer an opportunity to engage in reviewing and developing courses prior to delivery at The Exchange. This important role is part of our commitment to quality assurance ensuring that all our courses meet a high standard and incorporate the values of co-production and recovery. You may be interested in this role if you have a background in education, business or health along with lived experience of your own health and wellbeing.

Gardening – This role gives the volunteer an opportunity to work outside and getting involved with the routine maintenance of the garden. This involves working as part of a team and exploring your creative skills in terms of planting and propagation. You do not have to have specific knowledge in this area as you will work under direction from a staff member and provided with protective clothing and the appropriate use of tools.